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« A Bubble Tale to Make You Angry | Main | BitTorrent 4.0 »

March 09, 2005



Bittorrent 4.0 ----------> I'll have to wait to see anything. I don't use the stock client. I like TorrentStorm, but it seems that the creator has ceased to update it, so I will likely chang to Azureus.
Did you know that last summer, bittorrent accounted for 33% of internet traffic? Gratis Networks, the people who created free ipods, now offer free LCD monitors and flat screen TV's just for signing up and completing a free trial of some service who pays them (14day trial of blockbuster online, 30 day trial of, etc.)

If this seems to hard to believe:,2125,64614,00.html
Just sign up, its free and there is nothing to lose!

I will give gmail invites to everyone that signs up with the link here and tries a trial

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