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« Hint: It's Hyperbole | Main | Congressional Cowards »

March 22, 2005


Michael Tippett

Thanks Dan. I've always thought that the worst thing you can do is 'aim low and miss'.


Second time I'm making this comment tonight:

Ambitious is the most common euphemism I hear these days. Sometimes I wish they'd just call me crazy.

Michael Tippett

I have to say that I've been called worse. Besides, a wise man recently told me that "the world is never changed by 'reasonable people' ".

In keeping with our history of bold moves and reckless innovation, we have just announced that we will begin giving out cash awards to the best photographs we receive. Our Citizen Photojournalism Awards aim to show the best news related photographs in citizen journalism. We've got a little blurb on the site that describes what we mean by 'news related'. Please pass the invitation on to anyone you know that has good material. We’ve got to give that $1000 to someone.



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