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« A Continuing Stain on America's Honor | Main | Podcasting De-Mythologized »

February 07, 2005


Gary Goldhammer

Dan, I'm fond of the paper, too, because it paid my salary years ago :-) The Star has always embraced technology and community involvement, and Owens is extremely dedicated to the effort. I for one will be watching their progress!

Jozef Imrich

Great to come across another good news story. May the creative force be with the newspaper ..

PS: Permanence of note: Most e-mailed NYT article is 2 months old: While I don't have the time to cite the specific posts, Doc Searls has often used the NY Times archives (and their cost-wall approach) to explore the value of what he refuses to call "content." One aspect of their archives not subject to the costwall (just the registration requirement) are the reviews and articles appearing in the Sunday Books section. This means that for some reason I have missed, this two month old article regarding the best books of 2004 has hit today's list of the "most e-mailed NYT stories." Most e-mailed NYT article is 2 months old

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