Tom Foremski, formerly of the Financial Times, now runs Silicon Valley Watcher, which is just what it sounds like. He's just announced his first sponsor, and the announcement comes in the form of an advertorial full of praise for the sponsor.
I have a lot of respect for Foremski and what he's trying to do. The posting in question, however, raises the following issue:
Suppose your daily newspaper lined up a new advertiser who agreed to buy a full page ad each day. Then suppose the paper put a story on Page One to announce the advertiser's new presence and praised the advertiser's company.
Now, I'm not telling you that some newspapers don't bend over in sleazy ways for big advertisers. (Columbia Journalism Review is constantly tossing its famous (inside the industry) Darts at such behavior.) But I can't imagine a newspaper doing what I hypothetically suggested above. It would be over the top.
The Silicon Valley Watcher posting is advertising, and should be explicitly labeled that way.
(Noted via Tom Murphy)
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