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« A Biased Headline Twists a Story | Main | New Voice(s) in the American West »

February 21, 2005



Hunter Thompson has commented in recent years on the pain that he suffers because of recent back surgery. It's particularly sad to me, Hunter could truly communicate. Some (most) say he's "unique", I think most people never 'got' it, there's nothing to get... long live hst

Bryan William Jones

You realize of course that Hunter likely presaged the spirit of blogs with his direct reporting style. He was the first to really validate a reporters personal reflections/impressions for a story rather than attempting a strict focus on reporting the facts. This is of course exactly the model that most journalists and individuals reporting news on blogs appear to be following and in a way, what most of the rest of us with blogs appear to be doing on issues important to us.


You may have already seen it, but I thought the Times did a great appreciation here. I'm glad they point out that despite all the crazy literary license he took Hunter at heart was a strongd reporter. He epitomized the thought that you have to know the rules in order to break them.
And he broke them so beautifully.
I hope he found peace.

Jozef Imrich

Another colourful reference at Rabi on the idea of alternative stories and underground blogging culture:
In an interesting yet not surprising reaction to the passing of gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, he is being referred to as the original blogger. Clearly this is not meant to be taken literally, as the blogging phenomenon is relatively recent and Thompson didn't keep a blog or even an official website. However, with more and more bloggers paying tribute to the man as one of their main inspirations and with the question "Are bloggers journalists?" being debated almost daily, this brings an intriguing debate front and center. Blogfather

Billy Gray

Warren Ellis has written a very very good comment/obit on Hunter's death, which you can read here:

Or, I have mirrored it here, in case his server is nailed (it's currently hurting now):

Warren had written a very popular graphic novel called TRANSMETROPOLITAN, the main character of which is modeled after Hunter.


Sometimes I wonder about the Hunter love outpouring. I'm too young to be a boomer by days and hours, and interestingly, I couldn't care less about Hunter Thompson, except that boomers say he is important. He killed himself. Seems a little uncourageous to me, and harmful and caustic to people he supposedly loved.

But the web blooms with love of Hunter. Perhaps you should examine what that says about the potential narrowness of the "citizen journalism" and "blogworld" that's being created. There have been plenty of bubble-ettes in marketing, etc. created by boomers. Is this another?

[disclaimer. I don't think so, but I'm a scholar and think it is essential to ask these questions.]

PS. Dan, what you are doing in Ann Arbor next month?

dave Hume

I think we need a better word than SUICIDE for what Hunter did. He did not commit suicide. He committed a different kind of DIY death, he chose the time and date and place of his demise. it is not suicide. doesn't the culture have a better word for this, or how about the blogosphere creating one? I will start with Vitacide, LEAVINg life on own's free will

ANd this just in: RE THE MSM

main stream media (MSM...)

i found there are two other meanings currently for MSM
1. men who have sex with other men
2. Muscat Securities Market

see referecences here:

HIV and LGV in MSM
Metro Weekly - Feb 17, 2005
... Within the MSM (men who have sex with men) community, however, the
news this month has had less to do with Cupid and roses than with
infections and "purulent ...

MUSCAT — The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) saw a marginal 1.3 points,


Re JennyD's comment: I guess a generation that
values Paris Hilton and Britney Speers would
not only have trouble understanding Hunter
Thompson's depth and impact, but would feel
compelled to spit in the eye of those who
mourn the loss of a unique talent.

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